Tuesday 25 September 2012

Cover Photos/Perks of a Wallflower

Hi, thought you’d have noticed the change in my blogger template and maybe I’d just explain a little. I understand how confusing it can get when a page isn’t user friendly (even if it’s aesthetically pleasing to the eyes). My previous skin is quite different and difficult to navigate around. Spent quite some time customizing and playing around with widgets so hope it’s more defined now.

That’s not my wardrobe, in case you’re wondering. If you ever see m i n e, you’ll probably take me as a guy haha. And yes, I’m small enough to cram into the cubicle lol

I’ve been bored at home (Oh god, how many times have I said this) so I’ve been turning to taking photos in an attempt to pass my day, that probably explains my abundance of photos Suddenly…

Facebook Cover Photo

Some of the photos from yesterday 

No I don't always look like that, though I specially dolled up in hope of getting nice photos for my blog banner. (Idk where else I can abandon my true self and my fears/thoughts/bullshit at, so yes, I'm really attached to my blog) 

I have a friend who is a big fan of Emma Watson. Thought I’d give the trailer a shot.

Wallflower: A type of loner. Seemingly shy folks who no one really knows. Often some of the most interesting people if one actually talks to them.

I wish I have the personality of an extrovert. The kind of girl with a magnetic personality and attract people to her like moths to light. But I'm not like this at all. 
"I think I don't know you very well anymore."

When will I ever learn my lesson? When will my heart ever stop breaking? When will I finally fall in love, with the right guy? Why can't I just like nice guys? 

 i m i s s y o u 

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