Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Attended a camp yesterday and it dawned on me my fervent passion for acting lol. It’s been two years since I last put on my uniform and I was supposed to act as a distracting schoolgirl.

Well, eventually people think I’m nuts and thought I was the victim so wtv, hahaha
Would really like to apologize to the campers for being an annoying prick but hey, that shows a massive acting success! 

Actors for the evening. I can't stop laughing at the two old men after I applied their makeup lol wtf 
PS: Am I really that tiny irl?!  O M F G 

Schoolgirl, Drugs dealer, Maid 

Stephanie saw me in the school uniform and went, "Omg, I must help you take a photo!" and I refused because (pet peeves: Taking photos with rear cam up close) and we contended to taking a 'STEP GUAI' photo hahaha

Hmmmm, she's probably the happy version of the same height me lol 

When two fire elements get together lol (I'm really not talking about horoscopes ;) 

With Yanru! We ended up talking all the time anyway haha

Two years since I graduated, and hey, I still fit in and the skirt is still long, after I folded it -_- 

Received my results for this semester and I would say, I’m pretty much fucked. This is the first time that I didn’t hit 3 and I know I won’t forgive myself for whining and crying out for god’s sake my anguish for poor results ‘cause I fucking deserve it. Not attending classes, late attendance everyday, project work that I’ve no clue about, and hating on public relations classes lol

I’m determined to work doubly hard next semester so I can at least see a 3.

Where to, if you were to ever disappear? 

I wonder what would make me happy. 
I wish I could abandon the world for what makes me happy. 
I wish I was happy instead.

That impulse to disappear is there, always there.
And she finds every opportunity to vanish, to go away. 

Someone once told me that it’s not enough to just like somebody.
“You like me. But can you envision a future with me?”

Since then, this stuck with me. I soon learn that you can’t hide the truth from your eyes, because a single stare is enough to dictate your feelings.

He said, “You’ll never do that. I know how you’re like.”

When I thought of a future with him, he's already gone

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