Thursday, 27 September 2012


A while ago, I was drawn into this new thing known as microfilm, which as the name suggests, is a micro film uh lol. There's this particular one that I really wish to blog about.

Yahoo Micro Films  -: Click here to watch films of your choice to pass your day (Unless you're a very busy person so lol, just ignore me for that)


Yes, this is the film I wanna share with you about; the seven things relating to love. This film will help boys/girls trying to walk out of a heartbreak and you can identify the stage that you're currently in. 

Bottomline that I'm trying to convey here is: Eventually, we'll all get over it and meet someone new. 

"People change. Feelings change. It doesn't mean that the love once shared wasn't true and real. It simply just means that sometimes when people grow, they grow apart." 500 days of Summer

I manage to find the videos from youtube too.

Each episode is only 3-4 minutes. Caution for girls (or ok, guys maybe. Not stereotyping) it's gonna be a really sad film.








失恋必须经历的七个阶段 (The seven stages of a heartbreak)

  1.  震惊 (Reeling from shock)
  2. 拒绝接受 (Refuse to accept the fact)
  3. 怀疑 (Suspicion)
  4. 憎恨 (Hatred)
  5. 回忆 (Reminiscing the past)
  6. 宽恕 (Forgiveness)
  7. 希望 (Hope)

Which stage are you at? 

This is my synopsis after watching the microfilm. Well, it's only three paragraphs so no worries, I'm not gonna rant. 

When you suffer from a broken relationship, shock grips you and you can't comprehend the fact that someone you love so dearly could do such a thing to you, like break your heart. Suspicion probably derives from your lack of trust for the people around you, thinking that people in the know are going to laugh about you behind your back. You hate on him/her. You think back of the past to the things that he/she hasn't done good enough, the times you were let down. Then you think about the moments of happiness when there was just the two of you. 

The hardest part comes from forgiving the person, forgiving yourself and forgiving the past. You've to forgive him/her for letting you go and for breaking your heart because at some point of time, they realize that you're not the one they would like to have in their future. You have to forgive yourself for falling in love with the person and for all the mistakes and imperfections you have to account for during that period of time you were together. You have to forgive the past and the pain you previously gone through. You have to let go. 

The seventh stage is to have hope again. Have faith. You'll probably meet someone new, or have already met someone new. Don't be afraid that he/she will break your heart again because if you don't give it a try, you'll miss the person forever. Love is an experiment, keep trying even if you fail. One day, you'll get it. 

Close to tears doing up this post today, 'cause relatable but hey, if I could help at least one person benefit from this microfilm, so it's one less hurting person. Never really done a post like this so well guess it's really heartrending to me. 

Alright, cheer up, chin up beautiful. Have a nice evening ahead. 


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