Saturday, 29 September 2012

Ending off with a mini collage of the photos I've taken recently with this new top I bought off BlogShopping @ FEP

Which means I get to camwhore again! *pops champagne and blows balloons*

My two favorite photos and then, goodbye forever and hello, random not hardworking photos

Okay no, maybe not. 
I'll be finally going out with Shu Liang tmrw for Rochor Beancurd! Yummy. 
Yes, my life doesn't seem that boring anymore! *Pops more champagne and blow more balloons lol*

This is the part when I don't know what to blog about already and I shall chuck in a lengthy To-Do List that is certainly, not very entertaining lol (You'll probably get an idea why I'm complaining about boredom lately)

1. I need to start packing the gazillion of messy clothes in my closet (Yes, distinguish them nicely so I have decent clothes to go out with) MINI FASHION PARADE IN MY ROOM LAST NIGHT OMFG I'M NUTS HAHA. Done! :D

2. Pack the clothes in club house (So I just casually replied a Whatsapp with "Wait. Let me check the database." and afterwards I'm just sitting there like whaaaaaaaaaaaaat OMG I'M GOOD LA. Database, am I some kind of a PMEB? And I felt a deep admiration for myself hahaha) 

3. Go for Job interview on Monday (Hope I get the job! Can't wait for more pretty clothes!) 

4. Calling List/Vet Proposals (Why is it that I find vetting proposals so much fun?)

5. 2nd Intake Interviews! (I read the instructions wrongly and I called and congratulate someone for being admitted for "Subsidiary Committee Interview" thank god he didn't get me the first time) 

6. Blood Test (8th Frickin' October *shivers*) and Dermatologist Appointment 

7. Workshop with my bunnies for upcoming camp! 

2 GIFS from my tumblr hehehe. 

What really happened while I was reading and when I looked at the photo


For Girls:
Cute, warm and straight to sleep.

Me: Awwwwwww, this is so sweet omg. 

For boys: 
Face full of hair, dead arm and an awkward boner.

Me: Uhm, Oh. 

Ok goodbye for now lol 
Don't know why but this post makes me laugh  
Maybe because it seems a little stupid
But I'm still going to post it!!! LOL

This is is so beautiful 

Friday, 28 September 2012

Love & Faith & Humanity

28th September 2012 

"She cried herself to bed last night, one of those many nights these days. She woke up in tears to put the padlock on the door and rose again in the evening. It's not fair how this happiness never last."

Friday 7:52 Coffee and scorched ham in the tummy/Empty Heart/ Wandering Mind/ Such a sad soul 

I started to make calls on the list. Funny how I mix everything up and get so confused about things. Tumblr makes you realize that there are so many people out there eager to escape from life. I sat precariously on the edge of my bed, reading the suppressed quotes of my favorite author. It's always a pity I've yet to meet a person who admires her as greatly as I do. 

"It just goes to show you: you can put nine thousand miles between you and another person. You can make a vow to never speak his name. You can surgically remove someone from your life. And still, he’ll haunt you."

— Jodi Picoult, Lone Wolf

Wouldn't it be nice? Meeting someone new and he says "Do you like reading her novels? I think she's amazing. The way she portrays humans as vulnerable and fragile creatures and did you know, I fell in love with wolves too." We could spend an entire afternoon talking about love and faith and humanity and fall asleep with wrinkled smiles and starry eyes. 

Or maybe I won't, won't ever meet such a person but I'll fall in love with him anyway. 

Happiness never ever last, does it? 

"You don’t need water to feel like you’re drowning, do you?"
— Jodi Picoult (Nineteen Minutes)

Day 208 of 500

People who make last minute changes to your plans are incorrigible and annoying. I don't know, I guess I should find a job to take my mind off things on those horrid days, when you're forced to remember. I'm happy because a little fish is coming back, albeit to his swan. I'm just his little magpie but at least we can now do away with the missing bit yep. Maybe I should have some time alone and head out alone and breathe the scent of the evening sky alone and watch the sky cry alone. Or maybe I will have dinner with a good friend tomorrow. I should stop crying because they say I'm beautiful but why can't this beautiful ever seep into the deeper insides, burrow themselves in my collar bones and arch in my heavy heart. How can I be beautiful if all I am ever going to be is a magpie? I think wolves are pretty creatures but how can bunnies ever like something so seemingly horrid? Maybe I should date someone new and feel happy again. Eight months is really too long for a boy who breaks your heart. 

Somewhere out there, someone lost a loved one. A boy watches his love, loves another. A family is dysfunctional. Everybody has their own woes. Mine is not of paramount value, of course it isn't. And I'm sure I'll be alright again when the memories go back to their dark corners and a smile gradually lights up across my face, a genuine one at it. 


Thursday, 27 September 2012


A while ago, I was drawn into this new thing known as microfilm, which as the name suggests, is a micro film uh lol. There's this particular one that I really wish to blog about.

Yahoo Micro Films  -: Click here to watch films of your choice to pass your day (Unless you're a very busy person so lol, just ignore me for that)


Yes, this is the film I wanna share with you about; the seven things relating to love. This film will help boys/girls trying to walk out of a heartbreak and you can identify the stage that you're currently in. 

Bottomline that I'm trying to convey here is: Eventually, we'll all get over it and meet someone new. 

"People change. Feelings change. It doesn't mean that the love once shared wasn't true and real. It simply just means that sometimes when people grow, they grow apart." 500 days of Summer

I manage to find the videos from youtube too.

Each episode is only 3-4 minutes. Caution for girls (or ok, guys maybe. Not stereotyping) it's gonna be a really sad film.








失恋必须经历的七个阶段 (The seven stages of a heartbreak)

  1.  震惊 (Reeling from shock)
  2. 拒绝接受 (Refuse to accept the fact)
  3. 怀疑 (Suspicion)
  4. 憎恨 (Hatred)
  5. 回忆 (Reminiscing the past)
  6. 宽恕 (Forgiveness)
  7. 希望 (Hope)

Which stage are you at? 

This is my synopsis after watching the microfilm. Well, it's only three paragraphs so no worries, I'm not gonna rant. 

When you suffer from a broken relationship, shock grips you and you can't comprehend the fact that someone you love so dearly could do such a thing to you, like break your heart. Suspicion probably derives from your lack of trust for the people around you, thinking that people in the know are going to laugh about you behind your back. You hate on him/her. You think back of the past to the things that he/she hasn't done good enough, the times you were let down. Then you think about the moments of happiness when there was just the two of you. 

The hardest part comes from forgiving the person, forgiving yourself and forgiving the past. You've to forgive him/her for letting you go and for breaking your heart because at some point of time, they realize that you're not the one they would like to have in their future. You have to forgive yourself for falling in love with the person and for all the mistakes and imperfections you have to account for during that period of time you were together. You have to forgive the past and the pain you previously gone through. You have to let go. 

The seventh stage is to have hope again. Have faith. You'll probably meet someone new, or have already met someone new. Don't be afraid that he/she will break your heart again because if you don't give it a try, you'll miss the person forever. Love is an experiment, keep trying even if you fail. One day, you'll get it. 

Close to tears doing up this post today, 'cause relatable but hey, if I could help at least one person benefit from this microfilm, so it's one less hurting person. Never really done a post like this so well guess it's really heartrending to me. 

Alright, cheer up, chin up beautiful. Have a nice evening ahead. 


Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Cover Photos/Perks of a Wallflower

Hi, thought you’d have noticed the change in my blogger template and maybe I’d just explain a little. I understand how confusing it can get when a page isn’t user friendly (even if it’s aesthetically pleasing to the eyes). My previous skin is quite different and difficult to navigate around. Spent quite some time customizing and playing around with widgets so hope it’s more defined now.

That’s not my wardrobe, in case you’re wondering. If you ever see m i n e, you’ll probably take me as a guy haha. And yes, I’m small enough to cram into the cubicle lol

I’ve been bored at home (Oh god, how many times have I said this) so I’ve been turning to taking photos in an attempt to pass my day, that probably explains my abundance of photos Suddenly…

Facebook Cover Photo

Some of the photos from yesterday 

No I don't always look like that, though I specially dolled up in hope of getting nice photos for my blog banner. (Idk where else I can abandon my true self and my fears/thoughts/bullshit at, so yes, I'm really attached to my blog) 

I have a friend who is a big fan of Emma Watson. Thought I’d give the trailer a shot.

Wallflower: A type of loner. Seemingly shy folks who no one really knows. Often some of the most interesting people if one actually talks to them.

I wish I have the personality of an extrovert. The kind of girl with a magnetic personality and attract people to her like moths to light. But I'm not like this at all. 
"I think I don't know you very well anymore."

When will I ever learn my lesson? When will my heart ever stop breaking? When will I finally fall in love, with the right guy? Why can't I just like nice guys? 

 i m i s s y o u 

Monday, 24 September 2012

Three minutes

Post meant to be published earlier but I only found the time to post it now. Yes, I do not have the habit of scheduling posts ahead of time. 

I sat with my mac whizzing to life right before me, playing stories like a reeling tape.

A while ago, I stop recommending my page for read because my emotions needed a space. They say Bloggers are loners with wandering minds. I started blogging at a much younger age; guess my mind was trapped in reverie long before my time.

He said, “I just want you to know there’s a boy who has been liking you for a while.”
And her heart, cold as stone, started to react.
Eight months away from you, she has forgotten her rights to be loved.
Or rather, forgotten a world outside of deception and betrayal.

Ask her the world she sees now and she can tell you
She would trade anything to remain in this bubble

I spent hours stalking myself earlier today Hey look, that’s pretty honest. I’ve always been a quiet, old boring Plain Jane who’s more comfortable penning my thoughts down than to confront my genuine feelings. I started reading blog posts dating back to when I started this personal diary. I started to look through my photo albums and my heart cringes at the friends I’ve kept and the friends I’ve come to lose.

When my flower boy starts to fall in love with a girl, it reminds me of you. I used to be the girl, chasing after you, seizing every opportunity for you to notice me, learning the piano so I could play a song with you, making movie arrangements, asking you out with me.

Trust me, I’ve done that. I was once crazily in love.

So when she pursued my flower boy bravely, it reminds me so much of what I used to be. Not this coward that I’m seeing now, the one who till the end, never did have a chance to say out her true feelings. Gradually, I start to feel happy for her when he starts to treat her like a prospective.

Because she never once gave up on him, but I walked away from you, time and again.

I thought it's beautiful; when you're out with naked eyes, blank, ugly boring face and big round spectacles, people come up to you and say, Hey look, you're beautiful. You don't have to hide behind your velvet mask all the time. It feels like, you're being accepted for who you are. 

I wonder if I could keep somebody entertained for three minutes with each post, since personally, I’m really just bored and I should really head out soon before I stifle to death with these sick, pastel colored walls.

Best friend says I should have more confidence and start to like myself. But I look in the mirror and see the reflection of a girl I wouldn’t have liked if I were a guy.

New Twitcon 

New Profile Pic

Spent my day with Jie Ying @ FEP today. 
Wow, this girl can Really shop ;) I'm exhausted.
Hmmmmm bought a new tiger pullover, vintage top and loose cardigan.
(And yes, I can't wait to take photos soon! :>)
Honestly have no clue what all the clothes are for. 
People have to ask me out more often!!! 

I've once heard my friend, M, say that "Girls dress to impress Guys." and yes, albeit the fact that I've the mind of an independent woman (wow, who said that) I thought I should get an opinion from one of my closest male friends.

I was deliberating between the tiger pullover (that's really cute) and a really sweet-looking but feminine dress. So when cuteboy94 Haokang decided that a shirt would suit me more, I walked in and bought that shirt, WITHOUT HESITATION. 

So yes, for girls out there who are indecisive like me, you MAY opt for a second advice, preferably from an already fashionable person. *coughs* 

Le sigh. Unlike pretty photogenic girls, I've to take hundred photos to get a decent shot. 
Ok I exaggerated it a little but yes, IT'S THE TRUTH!!!  (✖╭╮✖)

Stay happy, love will find you bunnies. Well at least, you know that I love you.

P.S: Did you stay with me for three minutes? Hmmmm

P.P.S: I'll be blogging again soon, hopefully! Since my new clothes are gonna die a virgin in my closet forever and ever and ever. 

P.P.P.S: I miss you.

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