Sunday 29 January 2012

HI SWEETIESSSSSSSSS. Was surprised that my previous post actually attracted viewers, AT ALL. Doing a very bad job as a blogger with my emofuck posts, so time to do what a committed blogger does, camwhore like you don't give a single fuck. :D

I'm like so fucking busy please )': If I list out all my CAs due, filming, projects, examinations and mentoring activities lineup, you guys will DIE AH. 
Yes, I know that sentence's grammatically incorrect, hahaha, but sometimes SINGLISH WORKS OKAY!!! It brings my point across. WE WILL SURVIVE.

Ok, shall not rant in this post like some crazy bitch. Because like I've said, how could I simply chuck a !@#$%^&* emo post in your faces right. I hope that one day I can finally advertise my blog on FACEBOOK. Of course, I've to be comfortable with it in the first place.

I'm so fucking sleepy and tired )': But finally, I have the time to do a proper update, so IN YOUR FACE. WHATEVER, I AM SO NICE. Okay, my lack of coherence shows how sleep-derprived I am now. Shall head to bed. Half the photos not uploaded, shall do that in the next post. Will be busy for the entire of February, and I really, really hope I don't diss this site! 

Timecheck: 2:50am.


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