Wednesday 18 January 2012

Hates taking medicine, really. And visiting the doctors? That sucks more. Currently I’m looking the bit of that me in the above photo, and that just reminds myself of the fact that I can also be vivacious and full-of-life, IF I bother to take care of my health. Have a sudden urge to pick myself again.

Missed classes for two days, thank god I’ve 2 days worth of medical leave. Monday night I started to develop this precipitous heavy flu, and when I reached home, my fever quickly escalated to 38.8. And yes, was feeling nauseous for a very long time, even when I’m typing this post. 


I’ve been prescribed A FUCKING HELL LOT of medicine from the doctor lol. And yes, my fever subsided, but I’d reckon I’m going dumb (or dumber) because my head hurts a lot, everything tastes bland to me, the medicine’s causing gastritis and a disgusted stomach. I can’t even vomit.

I guess my illness infected my sister (who has an equally weak immunity system) and she’s been whining a lot, lately. Seriously? That coerces me to get well soon, ASAFUCKINGP. Imagine how our room’s like? Reeking of the stench of hell. It’s like: Welcome to hell, visit the two bed-ridden patients. Fuck no.

The worst that could ever happen: Having to revise for two papers tomorrow when I’m in such a bad medical condition. Like whuuuuuuuuuuuuut. Spare me the agony. But. I don’t even think I can do well for tomorrow’s paper and pop quiz, but still have to give them a shot isn’t it?

Alright, hopefully I’ll be able to blog again when I’m feeling better. And I apologize for the wordiness. Monstrosity.

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