Happy 'cause I get to blog for awhile tonight. Feeling a little bad to my blog since I haven't been blogging properly so leggo and write something legit!!!
Caught Perks of being a wallflower with my bunny dajiejie hwee fen today!
*blows horns and throws darts and chews chewing gums*
The perks of being a t a d b i t t i n y: you get to have many big sisters as friends!
Like what my new 16-year-old colleagues tell me
"Good what! You old but look so young! Baby face ma!"
LOLOL I'm not that old lah -_-
Perks of being a wallflower!
I must be one of the last people to catch this film . . . s o b u s y
Lolol I literally exclaimed "Oh my gosh!" in the theatre. HAHA NOW I MAKE PEOPLE CURIOUS ENOUGH TO WATCH (If they haven't that is /:) I'm not being a spoilsport here! You can read about it on wikipedia anyway haha
Yes, I've been spazzzzzing over the guy on the right for the entire day. (Though he's not the main lead)
Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥
I'm really attracted to guys with a witty sense of humor!
Oh, and his smile. *melts*
Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥
Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥
Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥
Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥ Ezra Miller ♥
A couple of photos with bunny friend today!
Alright, time for freedom of expression lol ***you can please skip this***
Last Friday was too horrid. It's the worst day since I started school. I don't wish to say anything more than the fact that I walked out of a meeting 'cause tears were overbearing. Technically, nobody hurt me or anything and the !@#$%^&* bad person who said cruel things was being unusually nice. It's really just me, the me who needed some time to think things through, and the me who has to let go of things.
Whoever in the right mind would actually cry infront of happy people? You got me there.
Headed to bedok for alcohol fix and I had to walk home for an hour 'cause I was penniless, phone's flat and no 3G. It was really scary walking home at 1 in the morning.
I made people worry when I left, and when I entertained thoughts of actually leaving.
I guess I've to spend the next couple of days/weeks to make up for it.
I'm sorry, really. I wish they would stop bugging me about it.
The thing is, no matter how much I love being with people
They can't change the fact that they weren't there in the past
And no matter how hard I try
I can't stop the past from interfering with my present
I'm too complicated for all of them. I'm too bipolar
But I've to try, keep trying, and try again and again and again
Sometimes all I need is time.
Just leave me be. I'll come back.
I start to wonder about my 19th Birthday
I wanted my 18th to be a blast and indeed it was
But for my 19th birthday
I kinda just wish for it to be a simple affair
Hopefully spent with someone I love and who loves me in return
I did something kind today, nothing big, but I can still remember the lady's smile.
And then something good happened; I watched a beautiful movie
It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
“He’s my whole world.”
“Don’t ever say that about anyone again. Not even me.”
Sam tapped her hand on the steering wheel. Patrick held his hand outside the car and made air waves. And I just sat between them. After the song finished, I said something.
“I feel infinite.”
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