Tuesday 16 October 2012

Day 2 of school

Some photos from an event the other day. 

Try spotting me eagle eyes? ;) 

Some drawing that we were supposed to come up w 
Ten strings to a marker so don't be mean lolol 

All my very pretty girls. 

Uhmmmmmmmm lol

With the mom(_´ω`)

The Mom and the Dad 

My darling meimei who refuses to acknowledge her status lolol
Fact is she's older by a month hahaha

I like how everybody looks so happy taking photos with meeeeeeeeeee.
LOLOL Okay no.

Photobomb level: Chloe 


It’s been a fine Tuesday, a little awkward today, but when am I not, so let’s dismiss that. Arrived in class, late (and it’s just the second day of school holy shit). Shy bunny because curly hair was commented on and yes, hair color, which is a little humorous since I’ve had black hair for quite some time, maybe the brown strands are impatiently waiting to be shown. Happy second day of the week, it makes me frightened because my happiness never last, but let’s have faith for now.

There’s this three fingers rule for skirts.

Strictly no shorts. No slippers. No sandals. 
No bags on the table.

Like what? We're 12? -_- I wonder if I could keep to this new rule for long, or maybe I’ll just fuck it and break rules like unconventional kids do, and then be subjected to corrective work order ヽ( ´¬`)ノ

Confused. Really hate the way I am now because my heart beckons me towards one direction but my mind knows very well that it’s bad and insanely awful. Is it really time for me to draw the line? ):

Let's all have a really pleasant Wednesday ahead. So jealous of poly students who can wear shorts and pleated skirts to school. 


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