Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Hi, I'm currently in SP Auditorium, and yes, I have once again skipped vpdp because it sucks. I mean, who in the right mind can sit through 4 hours of tutorial without falling asleep? Not me. Meeting girlfriend for mac breakfast. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee. 

Met up on Sunday with my cheergalicious baby boy DANNY and baby girl GILBERT after we lost contact for awhile since I left cheer >: Headed to Danny’s place to study and at 9pm+ geylang street for din sum dinner and taohuey at rochor restaurant. Interesting sights and lights. There’s this awkward moment when they saw the side profile of this guy and exclaimed aloud, “Ok, that’s a butch.” And I think that guy heard them LOL! He came to sit next to our table and wow, what nice complexion hahaha. Love them to bits, can’t wait for another meet up soon!

Deeply ashamed of my Chinese standard now. I can’t even get simple terms and phrases right. It mightn’t be anything much to others, but hello, I used to be the bilingual award recipient back in school for 2 consecutive years!! Well, it isn’t really my fault that I don’t take Chinese these days and I’m a Media and Communications student. Urgh. MUST PRACTISE, MUST SPEAK GOOD CHINESE.

K so I met weird guys at my workplace. One was pretty cute, he keeps coming back to buy ice cream much to his dismay of his friends, which I personally find to be really amusing though. And he asked me, “I really resemble a kid right?” of which I smiled to him. Another situation was horrendously awkward. Apparently, my boss’ friend (which in some sense is my friend too?) kept smiling at this guy standing outside my shop pondering his ice cream flavor, and this friend of mine just kept smiling at him and winking at me LOL WTF! So I assumed that they know each other, so I smiled at my customer, who in turn stared at both of us in disbelief. When he left, I wanted to know really badly what was going on and I was like, “Why are you smiling like some homosexual making his moves on my customer?!” And my friend replied that the cust kept staring at me and he thought WE had something going on. Madness.

While waiting for the bus home, I had my music on loudspeaker and this crazy random weirdo asked, “Excuse me miss, what’s the song title that you’re listening to?” And I’m just there thinking: What the fuck, we are just two random people waiting for the bus; do you really have to do this? Shot him a disgusted and turned off look before giving him the title of which he went on to Google it and played it too _l_ Siao.

Monday is good, I am happy on Monday. I hope I’ll be happy for many more days to come. Journalism paper on Thursday, Econs _l_ FUCK MY FUCKING LIFE on next Tuesday. Followed by boot camp and IPRA ca due. Wonder if I would get into mentoring subcommittee. Though everybody is telling me that I have a relatively high chance, who knows? I have screwed up quite abit here and there, ah fuck. Shall not think about it.

Hand is swollen I don't know why ); Mosquito bite all of a sudden?! Should really stop visiting ngee ann so often, because SP feels more like home to me aw! AND OK, I PROMISE MYSELF TO NOT SKIP LESSONS ANYMORE FOR THIS WEEK. SO, FUCKING DON'T. NO CHLOE NO. D: Lol. 

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