Friday 11 November 2011

All about school

Ditched classes today because I was too exhausted to crawl out of bed. When mom woke me up, I'm like: No, please don't. I'm..tired. ):" Unlike other moms who would immediately ASSUME and ACCUSE that their children are faking their illness, she wanted to get some herbs and essences (I don't know what) to revitalize her poor baby daughter. Aw. That's why I love her. 

Wearing my seking tee, pulling my hair into a loose ponytail and going makeup-free brings me back to that secondary schoolgirl again. Reminiscent. Don't get me wrong, I love looking prep and proper in my dresses, tank tops, skinnies and denim shorts for classes. The jackets, especially! Makes me feel warm and cuddly. (That's why you'll always see me in jackets.) 

I MISS MY SECONDARY SCHOOL FRIENDS. </3 Poly life is great of course. Mentoring is totally my cuppa tea because I love children ( not pedophile like) and I love my childhood. I really do appreciate my classmates, though it would definitely be better if we were closer and those I'm close with, yes you, I love all of you. But secondary school life is different. Absolutely.

VPDP sucks. :/ I've only come up with TWO PATHETIC FRAMES and submission is on tuesday. + PPT SLIDES + EXPLANATION. #IHATE. What makes me excited: REBONDING MY HAIR THIS SUNDAY ♥ Fuck yeah :)

Started blogging again, because it's kind of creepy posting MY THOUGHTS on tumblr and knowing WHO will read them. 


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