Sunday 8 July 2012

It's been awhile since I last blogged, and if you've been reading, please do understand that I've become so busy with Year 2 commitments. Terrible things happened lately, and if we've to count that in, yes, definitely happy things too. 
  • I've to take large dosages of skin medicine on a daily basis (for months) to cure. No toner/moisturizer/facial/bbcream/compact powder. Just doctor's cleanser. Checkup in 2 weeks time again.
  • Lowest point of self-esteem in my 18 years of life. I've decided to give myself 6 months: For my hair to grow long again and for my complexion to heal. It's ok, in time to come, I'd be fine again.
  • An impacting blow on my passion for Advertising and the fact that the friends I hang out with everyday may not be so true to me after all. Weekdays ended on a relatively good note once again, thanks to my committee bunnies, who are always there to give me moral support and guidance. 
Promoted to 12th Management Committee's Publicity Coordinator today and it's going fine. Caught a movie with my bunnies and guys, you really have to catch the Amazing Spiderman. It's the best movie that I've watched this year (thus far), you won't regret your choice, really. 
Memories came back, so much of them, all at a go. That's when I realize that you can actually be with others, but the past still returns to haunt you. I've always wanted memory loss and 5 months away from you, everything's faded and unclear. I've become such an easily moved girl, I don't want to go through all these anymore. If there's anything you taught me, love has to be gradually developed over time. It's a pity it can't be us anymore. I've had my weakest points of time lately, but I've grown stronger, so much stronger. If you can't be there when I need you the most, why do I still want you back anyway? 
There are people that I miss and old friends that I want to see again so badly. But I'm tired, really.  Have to arrange my schedule a little to give myself some personal time so I apologize for the summarized post. Exhausted, and I ought to head to bed soon. 

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