Saturday 21 July 2012

Hair Extensions

Just a quick update on my new hair extensions done today.
Will be writing a review on it a week from now if nothing goes wrong. 
If you've realized, I purposely blurred out my face 'cause 
I've just landed home and I just look so tired and gross and disgusting and 
fuck life, so yes, YOU HAVE MY HAIR, NOT MY FACE. 

Received my new nikon camera today which means I'll be uploading more photos here. 
Met up with long-time friend and everything's going perfect.
Just don't ruin it for me, please. 

Yes, I'll be back to blog soon, after I'm done exploring. 

1 comment:

  1. Most of us believe that our hair is our crowning glory.These training seminars has been a great opportunity for the hairstylist.
    It will enhance their skills and will make their work efficient thus providing satisfaction to prospective clients.
    Remy Indian Hair Extensions


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