It's 10.50pm, and I'm updating this post from the Drafts column. I'm not as sad now, lethargic and very busy still. Things to do tonight (and into the morning)
- Mentoring Handover slides + videos
- To study 2 chapters for CP
- Come up with PR Agency Questions
On a side note,
relieve my anger towards somebody who has been rude earlier.
No matter how busy I am, I still have to remember to shower some love for my blog, don't I? Happy reading.
"Happy thoughts attract happy people into your life."
Everything's going fine though, my life's been survivable,
Yet why have you, dear philosophy of happiness, not working its magic anymore?
"And if you could find something similar to replace what you've lost, why not?"
The stranger from the corner of her eyes; he looks, just like her last memory. Every single detail screams your name. He had her for a moment, howsoever brief. How can two people look so alike, and yet be so different?
We could go back in time if we could, or maybe, we won't.
"True. Your attention for just a mere stranger wouldn't kill you 'cause girl, it kills your heart, your own fucking heart."
"You look like my ex girlfriend/boyfriend." Oh, that's cool.
After knowing each other for a while
“Hey, y'know what, I think I've fallen for you."
And that's only 'cause you're perfect to be a replacement darling.
You could replace somebody with another identical but sooner or later, you'll expect him/her to act in the same way, don the same clothes, speak in the same manner, dote on you the way your past love did.
Is this even fair?
"You aren't looking for love sweetheart, you're looking for a replacement."
Some thoughts after a chat with a friend about a tragic episode in her girlfriend's life. Nobody should ever be selfish enough to go for somebody just because he/she looks like your fucking ex. Get over spilled milk, move the fuck on. #NoteToSelf
Some thoughts after a chat with a friend about a tragic episode in her girlfriend's life. Nobody should ever be selfish enough to go for somebody just because he/she looks like your fucking ex. Get over spilled milk, move the fuck on. #NoteToSelf
Day 116: How do you forget a traumatic past experience? How do you erase a memory?
"Out of sight really is out of mind. And (practically speaking) out of mind really is out of memory."
Step 6: Commit, for the true solution often seems hard work and ongoing work. Firstly, it requires you to accept the event happened, which is hard enough, then forgive it and yourself and let it go. Then continue to keep a gentle awareness so that when you are aware of the memory recurring you can let it go again, until it is habit and the memory becomes weaker until it fades away.
Let's take it slow. You've been showing great progress so far, didn't you girl?
Get busy, very busy. Go out and have fun. You can do it sweetheart.
New Twitcon
Looks like I'm raping my poor teddybear though t.t
Dear bunnies,
Are you happy today, or, have you become a sad bunny too?
Cheer up!
Pen down your thoughts, it helps you to forget things.
Tomorrow WILL BE a happy day.
Have happy thoughts bunnies.
This last Tumblr photo is for you, bunnies. Isn't he cute? Xx.
and back to work.