Friday 9 March 2012

What angst girl, what angst.

My Thursday was bad, with extreme angst and irritation. It's those kind of days when I just want to have my alcohol and party hard all night. Oh fuck. I'm not a party animal I swear cross my heart I'm just ... in need of an avenue to release my pent up emotions. I'm just tired. I'm such a repressed and disturbed kid. Sometimes, I hate being me, really.

Danny texted me at the right timing and we started to assume that this is just a plain case of pre menstrual syndromes. Maybe! And this boy actually asked me to POUR HOT MILO ON MY STOMACH and SWALLOW BLUE AND PINK PILLS. 

Haha k, he's fucking cute I swear. This butthole appears every single time when I'm sad. What'd I do without him!!! >: 

I have this thing about camwhoring whenever I'm angsty and it's pretty obvious because I'll look a little different in my photos. 

Ok no, actually I look very different. (angst level x a million)

I'm so looking forward to every other day left in the week. 
Friday: Spending whole day as a mama girl. 
Sun: Meet up with le boy danny! <3 

I really just fucking hate today la k. Cca's typically in a motherfucking rut la. I just hope GDD Dance practices start soon. It's time to get physical people. 

Alright, today hasn't been a good day. But I ought to motivate myself so as to start a better Friday! :>

Bye! <3

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