Thursday 1 March 2012

29th February

Hello guys! I apologize for the lack of updates. Really, I didn’t expect to be damned for IPRA (Public relations and Advertising) module, simply too much to digest. So I’ve really been pulling all nighters trying to excite my brain cells with IPRA these few days. So hi, I’m back!

Been really excited about my 6 weeks holidays. And so yes, now here it is. I’ve all these wonderful plans in mind (not inclusive of CCA commitments and work) I’ll be spending all my time with my loved ones

Class Picnic
Dinner sessions with aunt
Baking with Danny, Yanmei and Tammy
Going out with N
Making Youtube Video with Danny
MyTaohuey Supper with Gossip Mates
Hooters with Karhou
Beach date with Clique
Photoshoot with Girlfriends
Meeting my gay bros

So yes, I’m all psyched and ready for my Holidays! :D Alright, generating ideas now for my upcoming post. Wonder if I will blog on "If I Were a Boy” Haha, I delayed it for quite a while #FYL because of some issues (so I think this topic’s pretty much jinxed or God just wants me to be happy being a girl).

Shall blog real soon.


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