Monday 12 March 2012

Holiday Plans

A little annoyed ‘cause I lost my usb cable and I couldn’t upload a single shit of the oh, so amazing photos in my phone. No, Bluetooth doesn’t connect with mac on this windows phone.  Dafuq. Precisely, my point.

Was at Hooters last night, expenses include 3 jugs of whisky and 20 pieces of chicken wings.

“Once you’ve tasted hard liquor, there’s no going back to plain old boring beer.”

That sir, is my logic.

Shall sleep in a little, then head to find Danny for our video. My holidays are finally looking up.

The video will basically be about “5 Typical Traits of Singaporeans” and if we manage to pull it off and have the edits completed, I’ll upload it here ok.

One day, my fringe will be long.

If you visited my blog from FaceBook, hi! :D
If you visited my blog through my Twitter Updates, it’s been a while! (': I’ll update there more often alright? 


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