Thursday 22 December 2011

A year is going to be over soon. It’s gonna sound clichéd but I will say it anyway: TIME PASSES QUICKLY. There you go. As I grow older, I realize time seems to pass even faster when we age. Small children eat, sleep and shit. That’s how easy life was. But as we mature and become adults, there’s just so many things in store for us. It’s a piteous joke how we used to whine about growing up but when we are adults, we can’t wait to reverse time. How mind boggling, us humans. 4 more days to Christmas, 10 more days to the last day of 2011. Hasn’t 2011 passed too quickly?

Usually, I’ll be lazing around in December, too much time on hand you see. But now, it’s so different. Take this week for e.g. I’m fully occupied except for Xmas. So whoever is reading this, I’m threatening you to take me out for Christmas! Haha lol. Kidding, keep reading arses.

As we grow older and mature, our perceptions do change. I have to, abashedly, admit that I used to say that I wouldn’t drink, smoke, club nor try cosmetics. But now I am no stranger to alcohol and I do make up, evidently. I’ll club when I’m 18, quite certain of that. Hmm, but smoking is still a no-bars restrictions for me. I don’t know, for now maybe? That leads me to this query: Who are we to say that our values and principles wouldn’t change over time? I’ll.

Nothing new to share, except that I have fallen ill, yet again. It wouldn’t be coincidental if you happen to chance upon my previous blog posts and jump to this conclusion that my health is quite vulnerable to changes in the weather and stress. I’m easily sick uh, this weak girl ):

I realize that I have a tendency to fall for guys whom I bicker with. Out of the 4 major crushes that I had back in my secondary school, all of which started out as guys I couldn’t stand the sight of initially, but all of them are just mysterious to me I guess. My curiosity got the better of me!

The crux of this post, (which sounds pretty lame so far right, I know) is about mentoring! I like my SC peeps, a lot. *Giving out hugs and kisses spontaneously*  Maybe because it’s ‘Mentoring’, hence everybody seems to be so nice and jolly. On the other hand, I could attribute it to the fact that since we have gone through Ninja Camp 2011, SP BP Mentoring Anniversary Bonding Day 2011, SC Bonding Camp 2011 + FSC events, the 22 of us have grown to be closer to one another as the days passed by. 

If such close-knitted bonds continue, no matter if the 22 of us get into MC or delegated back to normal mentors, we wouldn’t begrudge anybody but in fact give one another the support that each one of us needs. We’ll still remain tight buddies. THAT’S IF WE CONTINUE TO BE THIS CLOSE! But for now, I feel happy with them. I’ve always had a thing for a “family” feeling. Geez, if they were to read this, they’d feel so touched I bet! Haha, but I’m not into this “Promote my blog so many people will read it” thing. My blog isn’t the kind of HAPPY 24/7 PARTY GIRL column la.

I am interested in MC. Very, in fact. I’m not gonna be discreet about it, nor conceal my intentions. (HAHA, I sound like I’m about to do something heinous and scary lol) Of course I want to be in MC. I relish leadership roles; I like to lead, and just thinking about an MC role makes me really excited.

Personally, I feel that “The period of Period” is agonizing not just because of the literal pain, but because we girls go through mood swings! I mean, like normally girls would throw princess tantrums to any hapless victim who annoys them on ‘those days’ isn’t it? But for me, I’ll have those mini/major breakdowns. Darn, it actually affects my nervous system more than having me holler at schmoozing suckers. I’ll feel so emo suddenly, and feel like crying in the middle of classes. And lately I’m getting more of those ‘Plug in my earpiece, listen to sad ballads and get myself into an emo mood’ kind of thing. This is a symptom lol. Tough to be a girl, lasses out there.

Oh, just a quick update here. I have an intention to change my current hairstyle. A photo below of the desired look by my 18th Birthday. 

Nothing consequential to update in this post, except for the fact that I’m here to keep it from growing stale. Will be camwhoring tomorrow, so more photos to be uploaded in due time. Can't wait for Running Man Hk Specials Part 2 to be out. Hee, such an addict. 

I'm afraid you'd label me a coward. But then again, I guess I am; I am.

Sin is like ink, it bleeds into a person, coloring, making you someone other than you used to be. And it’s indelible. Try as much as you want, you cannot get yourself back. -Jodi Picoult, Perfect Match

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