Wednesday 7 December 2011

"Did you ever walk through a room that’s packed with people, and feel so lonely you can hardly take the next step?"
-Jodi Picoult (Second Glance)

Hi. A relatively long blogpost ahead HAHAHA so sad. I don't care just keep reading. :p Had Econs paper yesterday. Was quite hardworking for this particular paper, and it turns out, my one and only paper before the term break comes lol. Not too bad, I answered every question but realize that since I screwed up a little here and there, I might have to settle with only a "B Grade". So gonna flaunt it in the tutor's motherfuckin' face for giving me a benchmark of 20-30. Oh my fucking god manhoe. That's if I can get a B ok!! Alright, so theoretically, tmrw will be my LAST DAY OF SCHOOL YAY! Let's see, I'm not attending conference on thursday nor boot camp from fri-sun. That means I'll have plenty of free time! (I hope so) Well, one good thing about CASS students, we don't have many papers, but instead, plenty of project based submissions. Pros and cons, I would say.

Learnt about a good friend’s departure and that greatly saddens me. She’s leaving Singapore to further her theatre studies in Hk and probably wouldn’t come back in due time. We aren’t close and chummy like playmates since toddlers nor do I know her for a very long, long time; she’s a very good friend of mine no matter how short the time we’ve known each other for, and she’ll always be. I’m sad, but I know I should be happy for her. So, I’ll be; I will be. I hate the feeling of being the one left behind. Why do people always end up leaving me? Should I not get too attached to people? Feeling this way because her departure makes me think of him again.  >: 

This lady is beautiful; she’s amazing. She’s gorgeous, the epitome of real beauty. Guys, wanna know what kind of girl you should fall for? She’s exactly the one. She may not be pretty, slim or have the perfect figure, but she possesses attractive vocals. This is called looking beneath the exterior; this is called “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. Many pretty girls are unable to manage this feat or even sing a simple song. All they are good at is looking pretty, like a vase. I feel so strongly for this lady, with such ardent admiration as a female, bet she has tons of admirers by now.

Alright, so I was on the bus and I overheard a conversation amongst this bunch of guys which was REALLY, REALLY LOUD so I can't help but be coerced to listen in. They were talking about girls!!! Can't remember clearly but it goes something like this: "Wah you know ar, I was on facebook the other day, then I added this chiobu. Saw the photos she had with her girlfriends, all sibei chio." Then they talk about girls they know and keep gushing over girls LOL! It was to me. Well, all my life I only know that GIRLS DO TALK ABOUT GUYS, ESPECIALLY THEIR CRUSHES. ALOT. But I have no idea that guys actually TALK MORE about girls!!! Haha, that's so interesting. Alright, so I went to SIM, and I have to admit, lots of cute looking male species hee. And I was telling my friend how deprived girls must have been in our polytechnic days, which still exists for us two. EW. University days please. 

I love smelling like milk powder. HAHA YES. M I L K P O W D E R. I don't like to spray on those flowery classy ladylike fragrances on my body >: I'd prefer to smell like milk powder hahaha. So I have this pink jacket that smells like milk powder, so I'll wear it when I'm at home, then when I take it off, I smell like milk powder. Hahaha. SO CUTE RIGHT. :D

I'm very angry with my group today >: And I got very pissed off, and I felt like snapping at any hapless victim that crosses my path. But it's okay, even if I AM STILL VERY ANNOYED when I think of it now, I've got things in control. We have issues, ME TOO. I can't be punctual, I can't even come these days. But we'll work things out, definitely. It's not the time to slit throats and strangle creatures, it's time to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. Roar, ok chill. (Haha, have been telling myself to chill since noon)

Every girl should have a nice pair of shoes. I WANT TO OWN A NICE PAIR OF SHOES! Fascinated by leather boots leh. And many, many nice clothes. Heh. Saw my old friend at JP and he went window shopping w me for  an hour +++! Nice guy! :) 
I hate being short. So sick and tired of being short. Short people can't wear long dresses and look good >: Short people who can't walk in heels are a blasphemy LOL haha fuck my life. AIYAH IN MY PAST LIFE I MUST HAVE BEEN A FUCKING TALL CHIOBU LA. D: 

I’d reckon that I wont be happy reading his tweets either. Didn't ask her to do it, but being best friends, I guess she cares. But knowing how he's doing saddens me more than usual. I won't be happy knowing how he's doing; I'd rather I don't have a clue. Finds it hard to digest the fact that if I stop loving him, other girls would be loving him, in place of me </3 There will be another girl texting him good morning and good night texts, getting worried when he's sick and asking him out for movie dates. But then again, if another girl could do it in my place, and he wouldn't be missing out on the affections that I had been giving, I will be glad for him. Like, really. I believe he'd be happy for me too, if I could be loved the way I had treated him. I have accepted the fact that some people couldn't be puzzle pieces. It's kinda sad, but we'll be alright.

I'll end off this ultra long post with a ultra long quote from Jodi Picoult yeah? Cause when I read this quote, it kinda breaks my heart. Shall be off to watch Running Man episode 71. (:

"If I had to tell you how humans made their way to Earth, it would go like this: In the beginning, there was nothing at all but the moon and the sun. And the moon wanted to come out during the day, but there was something so much brighter that seemed to fill up all those hours. The moon grew hungry, thinner and thinner, until she was just a slice of herself, and her tips were as sharp as a knife. By accident, because that is the way most things happen, she poked a hole in the night and out spilled a million stars, like a fountain of tears.

Horrified, the moon tried to swallow them up. And sometimes this worked, because she got fatter and rounder.. But mostly it didn’t, because there were just so many. The stars kept coming, until they made the sky so bright that the sun got jealous. He invited the stars to his side of the world, where it was always bright. What he didn’t tell them, though, was that in the daytime, they’d never be seen. So the stupid ones leaped from the sky to the ground, and they froze under the weight of their own foolishness.

The moon did her best. She carved each of these blocks of sorrow into a man or a woman. She spent the rest of her time watching out so that her other stars wouldn’t fall. She spent the rest of her time holding onto whatever scraps she had left."

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