Saturday 12 May 2012

Busy Woman.

I’ve been really busy of late, and I’ll continue to be. Honestly, it’s a little demoralizing ‘cause I’ve temporarily lost my directions in life: Consulted with the IGP for ntu and nus, and fuck faith, I won’t be able to make it in with my current 3.5 gpa. I’m doing my best now, not knowing where I’m going to be 2 years from now; what I’m going to be, who am I. I’m so jealous of Year 1s and Year 2 students even, those of which have so much time on hand, and not being constantly plagued by project datelines, presentations and assignments.

This is the life of a Year 2 Projects-Based (Media & Communications) student. I’ve to ensure that I meet all datelines required of me so that I’d have a little time to blog about my feelings. I’m so deprived of a life to call my own ‘cause of school commitments, can I not be denied of this tiny piece of my life that belongs to me? Please, and thank you.

I’ve been so tired lately, power naps are inevitable. I fell asleep in class and my friends didn’t wake me up ‘cause “I look so tired and I’m sleeping so soundly. They can’t bear to.” That’s gonna be a first that I really fell into a deep slumber, unaware of my surroundings and happily falling asleep. I’m so tired lately, what even >:

Was I happier 2 years ago? 

Oftentimes, I find that I come home everyday, to a house, not a home. My parents are always too busy for me. My mom’s my best friend, soul sister and biggest protector. My family’s not the kind who expresses our love and concern for one another explicitly, which in a sense, true. I’ve never said “I love you” to anyone in my life.       

I do wish she could spend more time with me - doing simple things like cooking dinner 
( I’ve been eating out for 2 weeks >: ), watching our dramas together, having our breakfasts together. I know it’s immature of me but mom, eating out for 2 weeks makes me feel DEEPLY UNLOVED, really ): Please dote on me more.

This is a cute little snugglebunny I found on tumblr :')

Nobody’s more important than my mommy, and I love her so. (Though I’ll never be able to say that to her in person uh!) Hope she has a wonderful mother’s day this Sunday.

Doing up this post in the wee hours 'cause I'll probably be busy once again, for all the tomorrows. 

"It's funny how sometimes the people you'd take a bullet for, are the ones behind the trigger."

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