Tuesday 14 February 2012

"I killed myself tonight. Please don't ask if I'm okay, because I'd lie and say I'm fine. It's ok. Let's reinvent myself tomorrow. Feel like I've died. But only through death can rebirth be made possible."

13th February 2012. 

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY FOLKS. It's theoretically 14/2/2012 now hehehe. My blog's so screwed now because 1. there's no banner (removed it *sobs*) and 2. been pretty emofuck ASDFGHJKL lately though I previously promised I won't. (Ok, so heard that right there, this girl's promises don't stand) >:

Just DON'T GIVE UP on my page. )': I've intentions to do my first ever sitcom/comedy video with 
DANNY YONG after my exams and 2) do my photoshoot. (Don't know why I'm helping that butthole advertise his blog when he never update one lor! WAHLAO I ONE LOYAL READER LEH BOIBOI >:) Anyway my page would suck a lot during this study period la hor )': 

That's a shoutout only to readers I wanna keep. I don't care if you view my page because you love me, or you hate me, or you are just kpo/I'm your gossip material. 

Jesus, look at the amount of singlish I've had in this post. I'm profoundly ashamed of myself. 


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