Saturday 11 February 2012

Her first animation gif

Took me quite a while to get this up, but it’s worth it!!!!!!! <3 This animation gif is pretty cool, and I’ll upload more of such photos, if time permits. Ignore the flaws in my first gif k /:

EXAMS, EXAMS, EXAMS. *whines whines whines*

Sometimes, it gets so tiring trying to pretend like you’re okay, like you’re alright. Sometimes all you ask for is just somebody who will fucking tell you in the face to drop that façade and just for fuck’s sake, cry.

“I know you’re not fine, so stop trying to be strong. It’s annoying shit, woman. Cut that smile.”

All you ask for is a hug, a tight one that draws all your breath away, a hug that takes all your sadness away, till they vaporize into thin air, till you forget the person that makes you cry every night, till you forsake all the suicidal tendencies, till the smile on your face finally becomes real.

That chunk of sentiments wasn’t purely intended for me. At the end of the day, I’m not the only one in this universe who feels this way. Someone out there, he/she probably does. So this is for you, and you, and yes you over there, I’m extending a virtual hug to all of you. And if we ever meet in real life, oh gosh, wouldn’t I crave to give you a hug.



  • Photo shoot
  • Make a video

Oh gosh, I invested quite a bit of effort in this post. 

  1. Changed my banner
  2. Changed my blog layout
  3. Animation gif

And yes, I do have a motive. To get my blog stats up :D

Next Blog post: If I were to be a guy for just one day. Will be up by Sunday night latest. As usual.
xoxo I love all of you! 

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