Monday 13 August 2012

Was discharged from the emergency ward after being placed on drips for 5 hours. The doctors poked needles through my flesh and drew blood as though I wouldn’t be hurting. I’m afraid of blood since young, but I didn’t shed a tear. Your name is my comfort, and we still have to meet again. I’ve an abnormally low blood pressure and persistent high fevers. This morning, my temperature reaches 40.2. I know I’ll probably take a very long time to recover, even if I were to. I even wish God will claim my life but how can I be this weak, when there are so many people fighting for me to stay alive? Thank god I didn’t have to stay overnight in the hospital. You know how afraid I am of the dark. I’ve been vomiting out everything I ingest and I feel like dying, so bad. Ought to head for a rest. Two more weeks, dear, two more weeks, and you’ll survive through this. 

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