Saturday 25 August 2012

Flower Boy

What kind of girl are you?
I’ve heard aplenty:
Bubbly, cheerful and sophisticated
Mysterious, quiet and shy
Some say I don’t talk much.
Others want me to stop chattering.
We are all bipolar this way.
I don’t know who I am.
I’m still figuring it out.
Leave a little gap by the door,
Don’t let little Faith lose her way
Frappucinno and choc doughnut before presentation . . .
22nd August 2012: It’s 25th, but I’m typing this anyway.
I’m a happy girl today, so you’re rewarded with animals.
Well, actually no. But happiness leads me to animals
So that’s what you’ll be getting today.
Please be happy for me too.
This bunny's so cute I can't even. 
Satisfied my cravings for dessert after my 11th injection. This photo isn't that grotesque 
I don't know. Does losing blood makes one hungry? :x 
It’s the last day of school for media bunnies.
Errrrrrr, except for me technically (such a lonely battle)
If you’ve read my Twitter updates,
I’ve two more post-hospitalization projects due.
Everything’s taking a toll on my health, oh fuck
Strain in my heart, but hey, I can do this yup?
I’m happy again today after Team Elements’ final Advertising presentation.
I know I’m up to it, but what I’ve been lacking is confidence and sufficient preparation.
After many rehearsals, I was finally up to task as a presenter, in my personal standards.
The feeling’s indescribable. It’s a sense of achievement.
On the last day of school, yup.
Oh, and the first time that I'm decked in a blazer. 
I don't know about others, but formal wear interests me, a great deal. 
Jumpsuits are really suitable for petite girls 
New Twitcon
Dear John.

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