Sunday 5 August 2012

6 months came and went


4th August and they reached the half-year mark, not contacting, lost in distance.

"Can we call it love?
6 months ago, there wouldn’t have been a hesitation.
I’ve spent 6 months,
watching myself give up this life to despair and anguish and hopeless pinning.
I want to see you but I don’t want to see you at the same time.
I’m afraid all my efforts of the past months will go to waste.

She mentioned your name, thrice, in a single timespan. And she tried to make me say it, but I can’t. I’m a coward; I’m unwilling to bring everything back.

I have avoided mentioning your name over the past 6 months,
I haven’t read your letter since,
I haven’t read the blog post at all.
Every time I find the courage to do so,
I’d to bear the brunt of the painful flashbacks,
And that is the reason why I can’t read past the next line.

I haven't forgotten you one bit.
But the memories are vague and fleeting, they grow erosive in my flooding mind, 
swallowed by the faith that love can conquer all.  
I don't know how long more before I can put you down, entirely. 
But I've had significant progress, really.

Maybe I'll walk on the streets one day, and suddenly be stricken by a flashback
I'll cry, 'cause numbing it lengthens the pain. 
Maybe songs will be played,
maybe somebody mentions your name, 
maybe people ask me, 
"Are you over him, yet?"
maybe, anything can happen. 
But I'll pull through,
and definitely I will. 

So many more months and years to go. 
Such a long life. 
I'll be able to say your name one day, 
with no feelings attached. 

Take care,
my memory."


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