Saturday 14 April 2012

Finding her happiness from within.

I lay in bed this morning, basking in the love of the Lord. Y'know how's it like to be up early: The soft blue light of dawn hitting you squarely in the cheekbones, the birds chirped the crickets creaked, your heart; a steady lullaby. I haven't been up early in a while. What's with me? 

Whenever I'm typing like a lyricist, I'd have been holed up in a distant place away from time, locked in my own thoughts, reading off the latest novel of Jodi Picoult's. She's a masterpiece; both her and her work. 

All I'd really love to do is to cower from all my fears for the world, with a cup of coffee, and a good book. I'd love to leave everything behind and be a farmer's wife one day. Not really, but you understand, don't you?

I built up this blog with love. Xx. But, I'm tired of blogging, maybe for a little while. I love my snugglebunnies of course (after all I coined it right?) but I've decided to slow down my pace and blog for myself. I'd still be updating this space, but at no committal of who'd be reading and who's not.

I promise, the past 'blogger me' will be back soon. And soon, I'll revamp this space.


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